Make Bucket your own with custom logo

You can now customize your organization with your own logo.

Get a weekly Focus report per Feature View

We’ve recently released Focus Mode and Feature Views. Today, we’ve fully integrated the two which enables you to set up Focus Slack reports per Feature View!

Organize features with Views

Large accounts quickly track a lot of features, which means a growing need to get those features organized. A common way to group features is by product team or by product area.

New sidebar and lots of UI polish

We’ve just updated our UI with a brand new sidebar, and a bunch of general UI polish to ensure the app stays clean and keeps focus on the content.

Introducing Focus Mode

Focus Mode enables product teams to keep an eye on the features that need attention the most - often newly released features - by pinning those in the UI and reporting their metrics to Slack, every Monday.

Support for event attribute filtering on funnel steps

If your feature has an onboarding funnel, you can now filter on event attributes when creating funnel steps.

Sort by when companies used a feature

You can now sort companies by when they first or last used a feature. When shipping a new feature, this view enables you to easily track its new adopters.

Performance boost for larger accounts

We’ve spent the past weeks making significant improvements to load times in Bucket. The application was getting pretty slow for accounts with a large number of end-users (~20K+) that also tracked a large number of features.

Selecting events by attributes

When creating a feature in Bucket it is now possible to specify that only events with attributes which fulfill certain criteria be included in the feature report. This makes it even easier to start tracking advanced features in Bucket!

Onboarding funnels for attribute-based features

This week we extended the functionality we shipped last week - feature onboarding funnels - to work for features that track feature-usage using attributes.