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Automated stale flag clean up

An annoying thing with feature flags is the maintenance work of cleaning them up when you’re done. So we're putting it on autopilot with Bucketbot.

Improved Event log

The Event log shows the data your application sends to help you see if everything is set up correctly, and we’ve just made it more powerful.


It’s useful to toggle features on and off for yourself when testing your own (or team members) features. So we’ve shipped the Bucket toolbar to help.

CLI & Type Safety

We have shipped a command line interface (CLI) that removes any friction in creating features and helps you maintain type safety.

Add in bulk

Sometimes you need to give a bunch of people access to features at once. Now you can hit “Add in bulk” and paste in your list of IDs.

Event listeners for lightweight integrations

We’ve made it possible to easily integrate Bucket with other systems through event listeners in the Bucket SDKs.

Remote Config is available in Beta

We’ve just added remote feature configuration to Bucket. A dynamic, flexible approach to configuring feature behavior outside of your app – without needing to re-deploy it.

Custom feature key naming convention

Now you can define your feature key naming convention when creating a new feature. kebab-case, camelCase, SNAKE_UPPER_CASE... You decide.

Secret features

Mark features as secret so you can use them on your backend and ensure that the feature key is not revealed to any users.

Support for custom avatars

When browsing companies or users, it’s much more fun to see company logos or user avatars, rather than randomly generated avatars.