Toggle feature access per company

You can now toggle features access directly on the company pages. This makes it even simpler to grant individual companies access to features in the Bucket UI.

Feature toggles in Bucket

In B2B, customers get feature access based on the subscription plan. However, it’s not unusual for them to be given access to features outside of their set subscription.

You can now grant individual companies access to features by flipping a toggle on the company page.

Another practical use case for toggles is enrolling early adopters into the Beta stage of a new feature.

Feature toggles don’t alter your existing feature targeting rules. They simply add additional companies to the targeting rules, which is useful for granting ad-hoc access without changing the core targeting rules of a feature.

Targeting Rules Overriding Feature Toggles in the Bucket UI

Note: You cannot use feature toggles to disable feature access granted by targeting rules.

Happy toggling!