Polish season: Week #3

It’s week 3 of polishing our UI, SDKs, and backend to keep Bucket as well-crafted as ever while continuing to ship new features and improvements. 

Here’s what we polished this week:

App improvements

  • Included a feature view selector on the individual company screen under the Features tab
  • Added a new profile menu to the bottom of the app sidebar
  • Improved load times and stopped spinners from blocking the feature UI
  • Updated the free trial indicator in the left sidebar for better clarity
  • Added a new environment activity indicator to the feature sidebar
  • Refactored some of the internal segment size estimation endpoints for increased simplicity 


React SDK

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an ingest issue where remote contexts overrode the given context
  • Solved an occasional bug where users were prompted to create a new organization after receiving an invite link

Happy shipping!