Introducing Data Export

We’ve added the option to export your Bucket data as a CSV file – so you can work with your data in your own data warehouse, your CRM or good old-fashioned Excel. 

You can find "Data export" in the settings tab of your Bucket app.

The data export feature enables you to download the complete feature usage of every company for every feature you’re tracking. To get started, log into Bucket, go to App Settings and click on the "Data export" tab. Here's a snapshot of what you can expect from your data export:

In this screenshot you see a filtered pivot table that shows all companies that have reached the STARS step "retained" for two selected features.

How can I use this in my company? 

Bucket is designed from the ground up to give you fast and actionable insights into your product. By downloading Bucket’s enriched feature data, you can manipulate it as needed, import it into other systems or create custom reports to answer questions the Bucket UI does not yet answer. For example:

Create 360-degree customer profiles

Integrate key feature adoption metrics into your CRM for a comprehensive view of each customer’s interaction with your product.

Engage specific segments

Find customers with high satisfaction but low feature usage frequency, and re-engage them with targeted messaging.

Discover your power users

Just like in the screenshot above, use the Bucket data to determine who your power users are by filtering for those who are ‘retained’ for any combination of key features.

Create custom visualizations

Use the available historical data aggregations to create custom visualizations. For example, you can map out adoption rates over time or create cohort-style visualizations for feature adoption.

Time your feature launches

Plan feature releases aligned with high-usage periods based on the available historical data aggregations of the Bucket data export.

To learn more about the technical details and content of the data export, check out the documentation here. We'd also love to hear how you're planning to use the enriched data; feel free to reach out to us.

That’s it for now​​—happy data crunching! 📊