Feature adoption dashboard

Ready-to-go adoption metrics

Choose an adoption strategy and monitor uptake with a track call.

Baseline feature adoption, out of the box

From Tried to Adopted
Bucket automatically keeps track of the customers that try and adopt features.

Set adoption targets
Set feature goals based on adoption, usage frequency, or satisfaction.

Track with feature keys
Adoption is built in, simply call track on a feature’s main interaction.

Baseline feature adoption metric dashboard

Use these metrics to evaluate feature releases

  • Tried
  • Adopted
  • Retained
  • Satisfied
  • Frequency (avg)
  • Feedback (count)
  • Satisfaction (avg)

A proven SaaS-optimized framework

STARS is a consistent B2B SaaS-focused funnel to measure feature engagement and satisfaction.

STARS feature funnel
The STARS framework is open source under the MIT license

Choose a feature adoption strategy

Standardized adoption, retention, and satisfaction metrics for every feature. Easily configurable.

Define what adoption means for your feature and let Bucket do the rest.

Feature adoption strategy based on frequency or count

Track feature adoption with events or company attributes

Use events for tracking feature usage frequency.

Use company attributes to track company state changes.

Event-base or attribute-based feature adoption criteria
“The way Bucket is enabling consistent and automated evaluation is a boon for modern teams.”
Justin Gallagher

Justin Gallagher


Segment by feature adoption

See the companies behind each step of the STARS funnel with powerful filters. Share with customer success and marketing to increase feature adoption.

Company-level segmentation by feature adoption

Flags, adoption, and feedback with a single feature key

No need to coordinate keys for flags, events for adoption metrics, and campaigns for surveys.

Get flags, adoption metrics, and feedback with a single key.

A feature key that gives you feature flags, adoption metrics, and customer feedback
“Bucket is focusing on the right problem. We need feature adoption built into feature management so product teams can iterate faster.”

Moritz Plassnig


Ship the right features faster.

Get started in minutes.

Getting started guide